Project Scope
Brand Social Toolkit
College of Literature, Science and Art is one of the largest college in the University of Michigan, consist of 160 different department and units. This brand refresh embodies the robust expression of the college’s vision, mission, and values. This work focus providing a collection of resources for use by communicators and creatives across the college to execute brand compliant marketing collateral and communications.
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Project Scope

Alliance is a newly-formed grassroots nonprofit organization in Grand Rapids, Michigan that is run by and for refugees, specifically Congolese refugees.

They aims to expand services not only for Congolese community but all immigrants, refugees and asylees from all backgrounds. Alliance has three areas of focus: youth education, case management assistance and financial stability. Alliance has three founding member, and two other members, all of whom volunteer their time and service with no pay. Alliance is a start-up, with no infrastructure and no funding at this time.

Project Scope

AHA's research is dedicated to the design and development of more inclusive technologies and draws on scholarship from disability studies, computer science, human-computer interaction, gerontology, and science and technology studies (STS). The group focuses on topics such as accessibility, HCI, and aging, and looks forward to collaborating to move the disability, aging, and computing agenda forward.

Project Scope
Campaign Graphic

© Zexi Zhou 2024
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